SOWER is convinced that wool is a fabrication that more people should undertake during the spring and summer seasons. Although many associate wool fibers with warm sweaters and at times, a scratchy feel, controlling the spinning of yarns and fabric finishes can change the overall hand of the material. Wool material used in the summer, is actually quite customary in the world of men’s suits and sports-wear. "Wool is one of the most breathable fibers. It can absorb moisture and move it away to evaporate quickly. We constructed the fabric to study the feel against the skin, and comfort level when worn in hot and humid summer weather," says SOKO. Utilizing special yarn spinning techniques, SOWER has created an original summer wool fabric to create a jumpsuit and bolero combo, a safari-like shirt jacket, and a formal suit.

ファブリックの特性を熟知するSOWERが、春夏シーズンにこそ手にとってほしいと考えるものがサマーウールのアイテム。紳士スーツやスポーツウェアの世界では、夏にウール素材を使うことは通例だ。ウールと聞くとセーターをイメージし、チクチクすると考える人も多いようだが、糸やファブリックの仕上げが異なれば、当然肌触りも異なるものに。「ウールは最も通気性の良い繊維のひとつです。 湿気を吸収し、素早く蒸発させることができる。 SOWERのサマーウール素材は、肌触りの良さを追求し、蒸し暑い夏に爽やかで快適な生地として仕上げた」とSOKOは振り返る。 SOWERでは特殊な紡績技術を駆使し、確かなデザイン性を合わせ、オールインワンとボレロのコンビ、サファリテイストのシャツジャケット、そしてフォーマルなスーツの4アイテムを製作。

The wool yarn used in this collection was created specifically for SOWER. “The yarn was originally made for cut and sew jersey fabrics and has a very fine count, which lends itself to the smooth and lightweight feel against the skin". (SOKO)


The four items created with this extremely lightweight fabric are available in two colors: navy, evoking an eternal classic mood, and violet blue, in reference to the blue-purple flowers of LARKSPUR, the theme of 03. The beautiful drape of the fabric gives each item a sharp and dignified impression.
The most orthodox jacket shows off the meticulous tailoring.
A pair of trousers with a moderately relaxed look.
A short sleeve shirt jacket is casually finished off with large pockets and a waist belt for cinching.
The jumpsuit with removable straps is far removed from tailored styles and shows off the playfulness of the fabric. It comes with a bolero style jacket with strap snaps immediately changing the look from casual to formal. SOWER’s summer wool collection was made to offer the depth and styling possibilities of this fabric.
