The leather collar was first introduced in 01 CALATHEA in a reversible black lamb leather, and in 03 LARKSPUR, it is offered in a soft white suede. The removable collar is an item that adds a touch of novelty to an outfit, and unique techniques were applied to create this leather collar. The inspiration behind them was based on SOKO's own collection of antique lace collars and how to apply those intricate patterns onto leather.

SOWERにとって思い入れのあるアクセサリーのひとつである、レザー製のつけ襟。01CALATHEAはラムレザーのブラックでリバーシブル仕様、03 LARKSPURでは色と素材をアップデートし、白のスウェードで製作した。着こなしに変化をつけるアイテムとしてのつけ襟を、SOWERらしいモダニティでユニークな技術によって成し得るものとは何かを模索し誕生した。アイディアのベースとなったのは、SOKOが所有しているアンティークレースのつけ襟コレクション。レースの緻密な柄をレザーで作るという素材の妙を打ち出したアクセサリーへと昇華させた。

The conventional approach would be to cut out small parts of lace patterns and sew the parts together in order to create a collar with a curved line that sits along the neckline. By using state of the art special machinery that has the ability to cut large patterns in a single step, the SOWER leather collar is finished as a clean singular piece. "It was very special to be able to express intricate lace details in the utmost beautiful way in leather.” says SOKO.


Like a tapestry of lace, this leather collar is a piece of art that is a sophisticated addition to the SOWER accessory lineup.
