One of the key items of the 03 LARKSPUR collection is a striped denim. SOKO had been thinking of creating a denim unique to SOWER for some time. She proposes denim made from hemp, which is a comfortable material for warmer seasons, and compared to cotton, lighter and breathable. “Although hemp is a tough material to work with, the right weave and finishing can transform it into a beautiful material full of drape. It has a texture that cannot be achieved with cotton denim. The spring of the fabric allows the fabric to sway to create a silhouette that flows as it passes over the body. I personally like the natural look and unique characteristic of hemp.”

03 LARKSPURで、キーアイテムのひとつであるストライプデニム。以前からSOWERならではのデニムの制作を考えていたSOKOは、ヘンプによるデニムを提案する。定番のコットンではなく、夏の素材としても快適なヘンプを用いることで、肌当たり軽やかにデニムルックを楽しむことができる。「ヘンプは麻の中でも太めで硬い素材。ですが、織り方と最後のフィニッシュの仕方を工夫することで、ドレープ感が出てきます。それがコットンのデニムには出せない風合い。生地に弾力があるからこそ、体を通すと生地が揺らぎ流れるようなシルエットが生まれます。ナチュラルで味のある点が、個人的にもヘンプが好きな理由です」

The gradation of the stripes, are available in two colors. “I decided from the beginning of the design process to use blue denim colors as one base and to offer a faded version as another. I first created stripes with gradations of blue tones, and then tested how the color would change when subjected to an ozone fade process, but ended up with a faded orange-beige denim that reminded me of the desert. It's not a color I was anticipating, but a color that came to be by chance.” SOKO initially imagined the color would turn into a light blue. However, this is where the fun of processing showed itself. “It was the result of playing with the hemp’s natural qualities and how the mixture of pigments that were already in the original blue dye revealed itself.” The unique color, which seems to have been faded by the strong sunlight, was born organically, keeping with the 03 LARKSPUR theme, a longing for safari and adventure.


The vintage like look of the hemp denim is captured in three feminine designs: a sailor-type jacket, a kaftan, and a high-waisted pant inspired by those worn by the US Navy in the 1950's. These three items convey a strong style presence, while demonstrating the versatility and comfort of hemp denim.
